In the 1990s, in the sunny Similkameen Valley of British Columbia, orchardists Wilfrid and Sally Mennell discovered a different shoot growing up in a newly replanted row of apple trees in Sally’s orchard. As the sapling grew, it bore a few beautiful apples…

Simply put, a certified organic apple is one that has not been exposed to synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Becoming a certified organic farm requires adherences to strict rules and regulations as set out by the certifying body…

Better than red, this unique bi-coloured beauty was created by nature to be honey sweet. Ambrosia’s crisp, champagne coloured insides are wrapped in an almost luminous bi-coloured skin of reds and pinks over a creamy background…

Meet Brian & Linda – Born to be farmers, Brian Mennell and Linda Edwards found their way to each other and their orchard in a circuitous way. Brian was born and raised on a farm and never wanted to do anything other than grow fruit…
To meet some other Organic Ambrosia Apple growers – CLICK HERE
How The Apple Of Your Eye Can Benefit From Ambrosias
Article by Julie Daniluk
When it comes to building happy, healthy children, having a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables is vital. A few years a go I was lucky enough to discover my favourite variety of apple and I think it makes the perfect fruit for kids lunches. The organic Ambrosia apple is a sweet, low-acid fruit with a distinct honeyed aroma. Kids just love them!
Organic Ambrosia apples are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, and you can be rest assured that they are free from any genetically modified organisms (GMOs), growth hormones, and artificial colours and preservatives. When it…